
Østjylland, Aarhus

Art Gallery PS - unikt galleri i Aarhus
Galleriet i Aarhus tilbyder god kunst og kunstneriske oplevelser. Oplev billedkunst, kunstudstillinger, koncerter, fortælleaftener samt andre events i galleriet i Mejlgade. Galleriet udstiller bl.a. værker af billedkunstner og portrætmaler Peter Simonsen. Art Gallery PS, Aarhus.

Art Gallery PS - unique Danish art gallery
Art Gallery PS is a genuine oasis in contemporary art and beautiful Danish Arts and Crafts. The gallery offers paintings by Danish expressionist and portrait painter Peter Simonsen and other artists, ceramics, glass art, textile art, retro, and other curiosities. Here you will experience art in a very special framing with crooked walls. Classical music, jazz and crisp French tunes support the many impressions ... all while enjoying a free cappuccino in the gallery's cafe. Visit Art Gallery PS, Aarhus, Denmark.
Liste over gallerier